Caral Burrell
Painter, Collector & Photographer
Owl & Pusscycat Studio
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My Story
Caral Burrell moved to Mansfield permanently in 2000 prior to having a holiday house in Goughs Bay and a Pines camper prior to that. Painting and taking photos are her passion in life, and passing it on to others.
Caral has developed her own style over the years. She has worked in Bindaree and Buckland aged care facilities in Mansfield, painting with residents, but she is now retired and volunteers as the visiting artist.
An entrant in the Mansfield and District Hospital art show, Caral opened her studio, called the Owl and Pussycat in Mountain Bay, throughout the year.
She works in most mediums, and more recently has been experimenting with paint pouring for some fun. She loves collecting and painting owls, but she is mostly a landscape painter.
Caral thinks how lucky she is to live in such a beautiful place.