Join the Mansfield Open Studio Trail
MOST 2024
Artist Registrations are now CLOSED
If you want to join us as an exhibiting artist in 2025, please submit your EOI registration via the link below.
Who can be an exhibiting artist in MOST?
An artist who lives and/or has their studio in Mansfield Shire.
What do I need to do to be an artist in MOST?
Create wonderful artworks and open your studio to the public on the Melbourne Cup weekend.
Gather the following:-
Short Artist Statement: - must be between 35 and 50 words about your practice/work/studio for social media. Must be written in the 3rd person eg. Sue Smith is an artist...
Artist Bio: - Must be between 150-250 words about, your work, your studio, and what inspires you. Must be written in the 3rd person eg. Sue Smith is an artist... (TIP:-Write it in Word then copy it here. Proofread and spell check first!) This will be on your page on the MOST website. See an example here
Artistic C.V (optional) max 1 page. word doc. or pdf
Certificate of Currency for home/business insurance, with public liability, to be uploaded as a document, pdf, or jpg image. NAVA, CRAFT Victoria, and the Australian Ceramics Association have good public liability insurance with Premium memberships.
Social Media: - Facebook and/or Instagram account URLs. (It is highly recommended that you have a social media account with either or both, to help promote and show your art, but it is not compulsory).
Provide 3 - 7 good-quality photos of artwork made within the last 12 months, and 1 self-portrait (preferably in-studio). See an example here.
These images will be used for marketing purposes by MOST.
The image must be a minimum 2Mb - maximum 10Mb, in jpg format.
Please label the file as follows in lowercase: - first name-surname-image-title.jpg
2-dimensional work should have NO background, just the painting/drawing, etc.
3-dimensional work should be photographed with a plain background, or for sculpture, with as little background distraction, or else in situ, i.e a garden setting